24/7 emergency number +31 10 440 55 55

P&I Correspondents

Our correspondents provide services as professional P&I Correspondents, claim consultants and mediators in the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark.

We are the preferred P&I Correspondent for the vast majority of the P&I underwriters (IG and non-IG) and have a broad experience in efficient P&I and FD&D claims handling and related issues such as contract reviewing, mediation, crew repatriation and swift guarantee arrangements.

Our dedicated staff, including specialist claims handlers, Master Mariner and legal counsels, are at your disposal 24/7.

With a network of three offices we cover all Dutch and Belgian ports and waterways, the North Sea, waterways and ports in Scandinavia and the Baltic area.


DUTCH P&I Correspondents

Located in the city centre of Europe’s largest port,  we offer services related to all kinds of P&I/FD&D incidents in all ports in the Netherlands. Our own network of service providers including survey networks and lawyers enables us to service the shipping community at a very high quality 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

Call this number (24/7) if you have an emergency incident where we can assist:

+31 10 440 55 55


The general email address is not regularly monitored out of hours – if you have an emergency after hours or if you have not received a response to a message sent to the general email address please contact the duty Correspondent via  our 24/7 available telephone line. 

Ports covered: Terneuzen, Vlissingen, Flushing, Moerdijk, Dordrecht, Rotterdam, IJmuiden, Amsterdam, Harlingen, Eemshaven, Delfzijl

Reid de Jong
P&I Correspondent / Legal Counsel
Muhammed Bostan LL.M
P&I Correspondent
Sandra den Brouwer
Administrative Support


BELGIAN P&I is one of the leading and most advanced transport claims agencies in the greater Antwerp port area and dedicated to the protection of Shipowners, carriers and their P&I and H&M providers. As correspondents, we service the ports of Antwerp, Ghent, the Belgian coastal ports Zeebrugge and Ostend as well as smaller inland ports such as Brussels and Liège.

De Keyserlei 58-60 bus 57
2018 Antwerp
+32 3 2060050 (24/7)

The general email address is not regularly monitored out of hours – if you have an emergency after hours or if you have not received a response to a message sent to the general email address please contact the duty Correspondent via  our 24/7 available telephone line. 

Ports covered: Antwerpen, Gent, Zelzate, Zeebrugge, Oostende


DANISH P&I was established in 2001 and has emerged as one of the leading P&I specialists in the region. We offer the full range of P&I Services, such as broking, consultancy, claims handling and correspondent service.

Kvaesthusgade 5 st.th.
DK–1251 Copenhagen
+45 3315 4778 (24/7)

The general email address is not regularly monitored out of hours – if you have an emergency after hours or if you have not received a response to a message sent to the general email address please contact the duty Correspondent via  our 24/7 available telephone line. 

Ports covered: Fredericia, Aarhus, Copenhagen, Esbjerg, Aalborg, Odense, Fredrikshavn, Kalundborg

Reid de Jong
P&I Correspondent / Legal Counsel